How Get Unbelievable Success With Landing Page
As we known,Landing page is an essential part of marketing campaign because it has the unique ability to convert a stranger into a qualified lead. But how can we increase the ROI? How to find landing page copy and image for inspiration? How to know competitors’ advertising strategy?
Fortunately, LandingSpy can help you successfully solve the problems above. LandingSpy is the best landing page software. It tracks the ads, and analyzes the landing page data of the ads. Its landing page link is
So, how get unbelievable success with landing page?’s ad landing page basic information
Landing Page Images:
Title:客戶來稿【興趣實踐】智能建築 糅合創新科技與工程專業|香港01|社會新聞
Advertising Platform:Facebook
Start Time and End Time:2020-03-16~2020-03-28
Landing Type:Other
Language & Countries:N/A&N/A
Related Landing Pages:6
The Number of Outgoings Link :0
2. Free related landing pages analytics
In addition to the above ad landing pages, recently launched related landing pages with a total number of 6. The main advertising platforms of these related ad landing pages are Facebook、Facebook etc. These ad landing pages include some AB-tested pages. After the final verification, has placed a lot of ads by using the most effective ad landing pages.
LandingSpy performed basic data analysis on these related landing pages and selected the top 3 that performed best.
1st | 2nd | 3rd | |
Title | 一網打盡 | 網購回贈 | 集合各大網購平台 額外賺取01積分| 香港01 | 謝穎紅矽谷女IT人創手袋品牌年半冒起:女生才明白事業與家庭的兩難|香港01|知性女生 | 謝德勤【長者護理】優質安老院結構長者小社區 助建立情誼愉快生活|香港01|社區專題 |
Description | 全天候的網購回贈平台,透過消費可額外賺取01積分回贈優惠,回贈率最高達10%!為您搜羅超過10000件最新產品 ,讓您享受一站式着數方便的網購體驗。 | 傳統女性講求三從四德,持家有道就是最好的美德証明,即使有能力女生都不敢鋒芒太露,以免被旁人以閒言閒語指責。縱然新世代提倡男女平等,但大家仍不免受到男尊女卑的觀念影響,即使大家能力相等,仍然同工不同酬 ,最好的例子就是荷里活男女演員的酬勞分別。在這一刻,男女地位仍是不對等。Coral Chung,在以男性主導的矽谷工作多年,及後更創立奢華手袋品牌SENREVE,在成立短短一年半已得到不少名人及成功人士青睞。事業看似一帆風順,其實也在男女平等問題上角力了很久。 | 如何稱得上一間優質護老院?每人有平均數百呎的活動空間?院舍內一個個小社區令人融入其中?不同設施可以令長者盡情活動?為認知障礙長者度身而設的生活計劃?活用樂齡科技令長者可以受到最好保護?松齡雅苑和松齡樂軒兩家優質護老院可以完全滿足以上要求,除了提供周全長者護理服務,在疫情期間亦實行多項措施,令當中每位長者都可以安心生活。 |
Advertising Platform | |||
Period | 64 | 45 | 44 |
Start Time and End Time | 2020-03-09~2020-05-12 | 2020-02-19~2020-04-04 | 2020-03-23~2020-05-06 |
Language & Countries | N/A&N/A | N/A&N/A | N/A&N/A |
The above is the detailed information of the 3 landing pages that advertisers have performed best in the recent past. After many A/B tests, these ad landing pages proved to be the most effective. So what do they have in common? By comprehensively analyzing the various data of these landing pages, we can summarize some rules to discover the secrets of high-converting ad landing pages.
1) Title analysis
- The number of words in the title is usually 5-10 words, and the words are as simple as possible.
- Core keywords and important content are put forward.
- Declarative Affirmative Sentences
- Titles with numbers are 36% more likely to be clicked by users than without numbers.
In fact, I prefer the title “一網打盡 | 網購回贈 | 集合各大網購平台 額外賺取01積分| 香港01” better than “謝穎紅矽谷女IT人創手袋品牌年半冒起:女生才明白事業與家庭的兩難|香港01|知性女生”.
2) Description analysis
Copywriting tests the ability of the writer to perceive the user’s psychology. What we need to do is to stand in the user’s perspective, understand the needs of the users, and introduce your products from what they want to know.
Obviously, the descriptions of these related landing pages all conform to the above rules. For example:
- 全天候的網購回贈平台,透過消費可額外賺取01積分回贈優惠,回贈率最高達10%!為您搜羅超過10000件最新產品 ,讓您享受一站式着數方便的網購體驗。
- 傳統女性講求三從四德,持家有道就是最好的美德証明,即使有能力女生都不敢鋒芒太露,以免被旁人以閒言閒語指責。縱然新世代提倡男女平等,但大家仍不免受到男尊女卑的觀念影響,即使大家能力相等,仍然同工不同酬 ,最好的例子就是荷里活男女演員的酬勞分別。在這一刻,男女地位仍是不對等。Coral Chung,在以男性主導的矽谷工作多年,及後更創立奢華手袋品牌SENREVE,在成立短短一年半已得到不少名人及成功人士青睞。事業看似一帆風順,其實也在男女平等問題上角力了很久。
- 如何稱得上一間優質護老院?每人有平均數百呎的活動空間?院舍內一個個小社區令人融入其中?不同設施可以令長者盡情活動?為認知障礙長者度身而設的生活計劃?活用樂齡科技令長者可以受到最好保護?松齡雅苑和松齡樂軒兩家優質護老院可以完全滿足以上要求,除了提供周全長者護理服務,在疫情期間亦實行多項措施,令當中每位長者都可以安心生活。
If you want to know the description of other landing pages with the best performance in the past 90 days, you can use LandingSpy ( to filter and query.
3) Advertising platform
From the above table, we can see that the advertiser’s recent platform for advertising is mainly Facebook.
4) Advertising schedule
Advertisers have recently advertised at 2020-03-09~2020-05-12、2020-02-19~2020-04-04、2020-03-23~2020-05-06. The periods the ads continue to run are 64 days, 45 days, and 44 days.
Different industries and different platforms have different effective times when advertising. When scheduling ads, we should check the competitors’ advertising strategies in advance, not only to avoid overlapping with their high-frequency advertising time but also not to miss the best period for advertising in the industry.
In conclusion: The above is a free landing page analytics report about Doing a good job in advertising is a long-term accumulation process. In this process, we can use the bestlanding page software to find excellent landing page copy and landing page images for reference. At the same time, understand the competitors’ advertising strategies in advance, then adjust and test your advertising plans in a timely manner.
3. Related landing page report
If you want to check the relevant analysis of other landing page related to, you can click the app name below to view related reports.