How Get Unbelievable Success With Landing Page

As we known,Landing page is an essential part of marketing campaign because it has the unique ability to convert a stranger into a qualified lead. But how can we increase the ROI? How to find landing page copy and image for inspiration? How to know competitors’ advertising strategy?

Fortunately, LandingSpy can help you successfully solve the problems above. LandingSpy is the best landing page software. It tracks the ads, and analyzes the landing page data of the ads. Its landing page link is

So, how get unbelievable success with landing page?’s ad landing page basic information

Landing Page Images:



Advertising Platform:Twitter


Start Time and End Time:2020-03-22~2020-03-22

Landing Type:Other

Language & Countries:N/A&N/A

Related Landing Pages:3


The Number of Outgoings Link :0

2. Free related landing pages analytics

In addition to the above ad landing pages, recently launched related landing pages with a total number of 3. The main advertising platforms of these related ad landing pages are Twitter、Twitter etc. These ad landing pages include some AB-tested pages. After the final verification, has placed a lot of ads by using the most effective ad landing pages.

LandingSpy performed basic data analysis on these related landing pages and selected the top 3 that performed best.

  1st 2nd 3rd
Title 武漢市の封鎖、4月8日解除…住民の不満考慮か : 国際 : ニュース : 読売新聞オンライン 発言小町 延暦寺と金剛峯寺所蔵の重文、修理完了…関係者が状態確認 : 紡ぐプロジェクト : エンタメ・文化 : ニュース : 読売新聞オンライン
Description 上海=南部さやか】中国湖北省政府は24日、新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大を阻止するため、1月23日から続く武漢市の封鎖措置を4月8日に解除すると発表した。3月25日には武漢市以外の湖北省の都市の封鎖を解除する。封鎖措置 「発言小町」は、読売新聞が運営する日本最大級の女性向け掲示板。恋愛、子育て、家族や職場の悩みなどを匿名で相談できます。日々の生活に役立つ情報が満載。クスリと笑える話やホロリと泣ける話の投稿も大人気です。女性のホンネが分かる「ネット版井戸端会議」の場です。 文化庁、宮内庁、読売新聞社が推進する「紡ぐプロジェクト」の文化財修理助成事業で25日、比叡山延暦寺(大津市)所蔵の重要文化財「道邃和尚(どうずいかしょう)伝道文(もん)」と、高野山金剛峯寺(和歌山県高野町)所蔵の重文「
Advertising Platform Twitter Twitter Twitter
Period 1 1 1
Start Time and End Time 2020-03-25~2020-03-25 2020-03-22~2020-03-22 2020-03-27~2020-03-27
Language & Countries N/A&N/A N/A&N/A N/A&N/A

The above is the detailed information of the 3 landing pages that advertisers have performed best in the recent past. After many A/B tests, these ad landing pages proved to be the most effective. So what do they have in common? By comprehensively analyzing the various data of these landing pages, we can summarize some rules to discover the secrets of high-converting ad landing pages.

1) Title analysis

  • The number of words in the title is usually 5-10 words, and the words are as simple as possible.
  • Core keywords and important content are put forward.
  • Declarative Affirmative Sentences
  • Titles with numbers are 36% more likely to be clicked by users than without numbers.

In fact, I prefer the title “武漢市の封鎖、4月8日解除…住民の不満考慮か : 国際 : ニュース : 読売新聞オンライン” better than “発言小町”.

2) Description analysis

Copywriting tests the ability of the writer to perceive the user’s psychology. What we need to do is to stand in the user’s perspective, understand the needs of the users, and introduce your products from what they want to know.

Obviously, the descriptions of these related landing pages all conform to the above rules. For example:

  • 上海=南部さやか】中国湖北省政府は24日、新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大を阻止するため、1月23日から続く武漢市の封鎖措置を4月8日に解除すると発表した。3月25日には武漢市以外の湖北省の都市の封鎖を解除する。封鎖措置
  • 「発言小町」は、読売新聞が運営する日本最大級の女性向け掲示板。恋愛、子育て、家族や職場の悩みなどを匿名で相談できます。日々の生活に役立つ情報が満載。クスリと笑える話やホロリと泣ける話の投稿も大人気です。女性のホンネが分かる「ネット版井戸端会議」の場です。
  • 文化庁、宮内庁、読売新聞社が推進する「紡ぐプロジェクト」の文化財修理助成事業で25日、比叡山延暦寺(大津市)所蔵の重要文化財「道邃和尚(どうずいかしょう)伝道文(もん)」と、高野山金剛峯寺(和歌山県高野町)所蔵の重文「

If you want to know the description of other landing pages with the best performance in the past 90 days, you can use LandingSpy ( to filter and query.

3) Advertising platform

From the above table, we can see that the advertiser’s recent platform for advertising is mainly Twitter.

4) Advertising schedule

Advertisers have recently advertised at 2020-03-25~2020-03-25、2020-03-22~2020-03-22、2020-03-27~2020-03-27. The periods the ads continue to run are 1 days, 1 days, and 1 days.

Different industries and different platforms have different effective times when advertising. When scheduling ads, we should check the competitors’ advertising strategies in advance, not only to avoid overlapping with their high-frequency advertising time but also not to miss the best period for advertising in the industry.

In conclusion: The above is a free landing page analytics report about Doing a good job in advertising is a long-term accumulation process. In this process, we can use the bestlanding page software to find excellent landing page copy and landing page images for reference. At the same time, understand the competitors’ advertising strategies in advance, then adjust and test your advertising plans in a timely manner.

3. Related landing page report

If you want to check the relevant analysis of other landing page related to, you can click the app name below to view related reports.