How’s landing page get definite success?|LandingSpy

During the entire advertising process, the landing page is the last and most important part of promoting user conversion. Normally, we will change a certain version of the landing page, change a few small elements, and finally form several similar landing pages for A/B testing.

Through LandingSpy, we can track the landing page of competitors, including their landing page copy, landing page image, and landing page advertising time, and other important information. By analyzing the competitor’s landing page, we can know more clearly how to develop our own advertising strategy. has set up a total of 8 landing pages recently. The advertising platform is Facebook, and the advertising time is mostly concentrated on 2020/07/27~2020/07/29.

Advertising Landing Page Performance

  Title Date Duration Days Networks Country
1 usó "minuto feliz" en supermercado para llevar licor - Canal 1 2020/07/27~2020/07/29 2 Facebook N/A
2 foto de Marbelle cuando joven dicen que es “idéntica” a su hija Rafaella - Canal 1 2020/07/27~2020/07/29 2 Facebook N/A
3 el juicio contra siete militares por abuso de menor indígena - Noticentro 1 CM& 2020/07/27~2020/07/29 2 Facebook N/A
4í podrás saber quién revisa tu perfil de WhatsApp - Canal 1 2020/07/27~2020/07/29 2 Facebook N/A
5 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Top 3 Landing pages Free Analytics

1.Top 1 Landing page of

Title: usó "minuto feliz" en supermercado para llevar licor - Canal 1

Description:Un colombiano es viral luego de ganar un "minuto feliz" en un supermercado de Chile, llenando el carro con solo alcohol. Acá el video.


2.Top 2 Landing page of

Title: foto de Marbelle cuando joven dicen que es “idéntica” a su hija Rafaella - Canal 1

Description:En redes sociales circula una imagen de Marbelle de 1996 por la que dicen que es igualita a su hija Rafaella.


3.Top 3 Landing page of

Title: el juicio contra siete militares por abuso de menor indígena - Noticentro 1 CM&

Description:Para el Ministerio Publico los militares aprovecharon su rol como autoridad para acceder sexualmente a la menor de edad.
