How’s landing page get definite success?|LandingSpy

During the entire advertising process, the landing page is the last and most important part of promoting user conversion. Normally, we will change a certain version of the landing page, change a few small elements, and finally form several similar landing pages for A/B testing.

Through LandingSpy, we can track the landing page of competitors, including their landing page copy, landing page image, and landing page advertising time, and other important information. By analyzing the competitor’s landing page, we can know more clearly how to develop our own advertising strategy. has set up a total of 7 landing pages recently. The advertising platform is Facebook, and the advertising time is mostly concentrated on 2020/07/24~2020/07/30.

Advertising Landing Page Performance

  Title Date Duration Days Networks Country
1家樂福排隊美食「食8番 王者拉麵 成功店」。秘傳家系拉麵,必吃超厚豚五花、松露醬油拉麵|週一~週五免費加麵加飯 - 跟著尼力吃喝玩樂&親子生活 2020/07/24~2020/07/30 6 Facebook N/A
2古早味仙草飄香之滑溜順口仙草凍、大推 原味仙草凍飲|用心實在必吃 瘋仙草 - 跟著尼力吃喝玩樂&親子生活 2020/07/29~2020/07/30 1 Facebook N/A
3童趣玩樂歡樂的彈珠堂,大人小孩都玩瘋的趣味小鋼珠 |怪玩娛樂市場、高雄大遠百6樓 - 跟著尼力吃喝玩樂&親子生活 2020/07/28~2020/07/29 1 Instagram N/A
4 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
5 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Top 3 Landing pages Free Analytics

1.Top 1 Landing page of

Title:家樂福排隊美食「食8番 王者拉麵 成功店」。秘傳家系拉麵,必吃超厚豚五花、松露醬油拉麵|週一~週五免費加麵加飯 - 跟著尼力吃喝玩樂&親子生活

Description:家樂福美食街超人氣的日式拉麵專賣店 食8番拉麵 新潮日式用餐環境,很明亮舒適、親子用餐也很推 週一到週五用餐免費加麵乙次,讓許多學生、上班族、家庭客很愛來用餐 內用還有免費茶水供應,打卡就送北海道牛奶 …


2.Top 2 Landing page of

Title:古早味仙草飄香之滑溜順口仙草凍、大推 原味仙草凍飲|用心實在必吃 瘋仙草 - 跟著尼力吃喝玩樂&親子生活

Description:路過別好奇,真的要大力給它買下去~ 用心實在、傳統仙草飄香的 瘋仙草手工仙草專賣店 2012年從高雄左營立大路創立,好滋味持續飄散將近8~9年 秉持使用好食材、每天新鮮製作熬煮、不添加有的沒有的(不添 …


3.Top 3 Landing page of

Title:童趣玩樂歡樂的彈珠堂,大人小孩都玩瘋的趣味小鋼珠 |怪玩娛樂市場、高雄大遠百6樓 - 跟著尼力吃喝玩樂&親子生活

Description:吹冷氣、逛百貨還可以歡樂玩起來 怪玩娛樂市場 彈珠堂 全家大小都可以一起玩,很多朋友也會特地揪朋友來玩的彈珠堂 很多高雄都出沒,獲得越多彈珠,可以換好禮唷!(可以加入會員累積彈珠) 不僅小朋友會卡關帶 …
